I got out my seed basket, spread out all the seeds, stacked them by the type of vegetable, and then wrapped the little stacks with rubber bands. The basket is all organized and ready to go now.
My first seed order arrived yesterday and I added these to the basket. I’ll be setting up my lights and starting up a few seeds soon.
9 Comments. Leave new
I love the basket! So cute. I re-purposed a picture box, the kind with a lid and a little slot for a label in the front.
I'm so excited to see my favorite gardening bloggers getting ready for the next growing season!
I didn't grow much last year (mostly tomatoes and herbs) but I've got big plans for this year! I had a date with the Seed Savers Exchange catalog last night 🙂
You've provided the inspiration I needed to start by deciding what I want to harvest/plant and then learn what I have BEFORE I place seed orders! Thank you! I've been planning a lot of new things and reviewing some old successes & failures. Can hardly wait to spread it all out this weekend and put together my orders… and there are always orderS, never just an ordeR ; )
Happy New Year! Thanks for your inspiring blog.
Oh, how lovely! I'm in the middle of doing the same!
Have a great new gardening year 2011!
Hi Kathy – I just want to wish you a happy, green and wonderful 2011.
Your seed-collection looks promising and they make my fingers itch 🙂
XX Tyra
Hi, new follower. I love your site. I'm so glad to see the garden planning post. I really need to get mine started in the "new" house. I missed a year. A year with no garden was sad. Thanks!
Kristi @
Veggie Converter
Organizing seeds from previous years is on my to-do list for this evening. Then on to possibly ordering more. Your system for it looks easy.
You're making me feel bad – my own seed packs are stuffed into 3 shoeboxes and I really need to organize them.. thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
I love your blog – great info and beautiful photographs..