today’s harvest



It is so nice to have a steady stream of tomaotes. Even though my plants aren’t producing lots, they are producing enough give us fresh tomaotes of all different varieties whenever we want them.

The bottom of this bowl is all cucumbers. And I finally got around to making pickles today!

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Wonderful tomatoes! I try to appreciate tomatoes, even when there are far too many of them to eat over the Summer months. I just remember the horrible, tasteless supermarket tomatoes over the Winter for the other 6 months of the year and I appreciate them while I have them.

  • Pretty tomatoes! We've had a tough tomato year here in the Pacific Northwest. Cucumbers have done well for me though. I'm a huge cucumber lover, but even I'm getting a bit tired of them! 😉


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today’s harvest – chiles and broccoli!