my basil plot

basil plot

Here’s a photo of my basil today. OK I think. No basil blight. Weeds, but no blight.

18 Comments. Leave new

  • Wow, your basil looks amazing! Did you grow it from seed?

  • Yes.

    I have two varieties this year. I usually grow Nufar. This year I am also growing Genovese basil. Both varieties are from Johnny's.

    The Genovese leaf is shinier with smooth edges that tend to curl down, while Nufar edges curl up and are often a little serrated. I am looking forward to comparing the flavor of both.

  • Kathy, your Basil patch looks wonderful!

    I've never grown Basil from seed… I need to try it!

    I can almost smell that wonderful fragrance as I look at your photo!

  • Love basil. They're great in the garden to look at and excellent in the home for eating.

    Your basil is looking awesome.

  • Wow! that's a lot of basil. Hope you like home grown pesto, that will be great with home grown tomatoes too!

  • Looks delicious, i wish i planted that many in my garden.
    Hoping that blight stays far, far away from your plants!

  • Any advice on growing basil from seed? I tried it this year but it didn't work out, the roots never developed properly.

  • They look both orderly and healthy. What are some of the things you do with what will be a LOT of basil?

  • I have the same question as biobabbler. Kathy, how do you use your basil? So far, I've only made pesto and sprinkled some in my salads. If there are other good recipes, I would love to know!

  • Have you experienced Basil Blight? I have it on my basil up in southern NH…

  • They look nice!

  • This basil is gorgeous. I too am looking for ways to use fresh basil. Please share how you are going to use ALL that basil. Do you dry it for winter use?

  • besides pesto, basil can be used in caprese salad, sprinkled whole or shredded on pizza or garlic bread, it can be made into a savory sorbet, infuse olive oil with it, dried and crumbled it can be added to your own herb blends. Fresh basil can be baked into bread, added to soups, mashed potatoes, omelets, salads, mayo, tapenade… i have even seen basil martini recipes!

  • I just came across your blog. you get so many comments! I just wanted to say I think your pictures are incredible. They stand alone, aside from all the cool gardening info you have. Clearly you haev many talents!

  • I heard that story on the basil blight. I called my mom who is watching after my garden while I'm working and I asked her if she noticed anything of the sort on the basil. She hasn't but my eyes (even if they're my mom's) are open! lol

  • marian (londonUK)
    June 29, 2010 9:56 PM

    You are amazing, how do you find time and ability to dedicate to sowing seed on time etc., I don't know. I got green and purple basil to grow to eat and act as an insect deterrent but life got away from me, perhaps if I sow it now it may do something, well done you, inspiration to many of us, thanks.
    Marian (London UK)

  • I definitely know what you mean about life getting away from me this year. Its one of those years! This year I have virtually no lettuce. 🙁 And I fried the nice little soybeans I started. Oh well. There are other good things to focus on instead.

  • I love basil – I should have a basil plot too. love it!


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