beets are sizing up

Root Vegetables

white beets - Copy

I planted them close this year in clumps of 2-4 and they are pushing apart now. These are White Detroit.

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Your beets are doing fantastic. Our first batch died, not sure if the soil was off, or too much sun. We sowed new seeds and they are looking much better.

  • i got a late start on my beets this year, so mine aren't even bulbing up yet. I have never planted white beets before, i have almost bought seeds for them though. I might try a few types next year if mine (Crosby Egyptian) do well this year.

    Your garden is looking great!

  • I don't think you can have too much sun for beets. Maybe not enough water? The white beets are nice for mixing with other roots like carrots since they don't stain everything red.

  • Didn't know that there was such a thing as white beets!

    I love beets… especially the greens! YUMMY!!!

  • Any cooking suggestions for the beet greens?

  • There are some great beet recipes on this post. I have tried a bunch of these, but none are for beet greens. I usually just saute beet greens (no stems) in butter and/or olive oil and then mix them with sliced beets.


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