It was very hot at 9am in the garden this morning (about 80*F, 27*C), but I got a bunch of seeds planted:
Beans, Roma bush and Tavera filet beans
Dill, Boquet and Mammoth
Carrots, Mokum
and POPCORN!!! Golden baby
I planted twice as much popcorn as last year. It sure was yummy!
4 Comments. Leave new
80? Here in Northern California it's been 59, windy and raining for the past two weeks. Usually it would be in the 70s or 80s. I haven't been able to do all my planting due to the gusty winds. I just love watching your garden progress. It's very inspirational to read your daily blog. Thanks.
Love your garden. What I would give for 27 Deg C! that's our Spring in February 😀
Im still going out in 35 Deg C and covering the plants up in the day time.
Wow. I guess our weather is pretty good!
The plants don't know what to think of this warm weather — and neither do I. But, like you, I've been planting away. Popcorn, that I have yet to try. But since it's our favorite wintertime treat, maybe I'd better! Thanks for the inspiration…