I planted 4 varieties of peas this spring. Probably too close together, but so far they’re OK. The nice thing is that they are blooming and forming peas in succession. I’m looking forward to different types of peas ripening at different times. I hadn’t realized this benefit of planting multiple types.
peas are almost ready!
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My snap pease are just starting to blooom (New Haven) and I just saw some shrunken gooey leaves at the growing tips? Looking online but haven't figured out what it is yet. Help?
We always slam our peas in really close together and they do fine. Actually this year they've outgrown their trellises. We've been harvesting for two weeks and have already gotten over 20lbs from them. So yes! Slam them in! They don't mind!
We planted our peas way late and they are only about a foot tall. With this recent hot weather I fear that we are too far gone to expect any production.
Thanks for the slamming support Rachel. 20 lbs -wow!
I am trying to figure out the shrunken goey leaves at the tips. I don't know. Frost? Bugs?
Possibly animal urine?
that's a good suggestion…