Florida fruits

grapefruits 2

It is so wonderful to get fresh Florida fruits from the backyard (and front yard) trees.

About 30 years ago, my sister planted a seed from a grapefruit and now there is an enormous tree in my parents backyard. The tree is COVERED!! this year with so many fruits hanging low and pulling the branches to the ground. And then my grandmother started a couple avocados from seed and they too are 40 foot tall trees with many fruits now.

My parents neighbors to the right have a lemon tree (with orange lemons) and it is always so heavy with fruit that he says – please come and pick them whenever you want. The neighbors to the left say the same about their two papaya trees. Two yards down, we admire the mango tree. Maybe someday I’ll move down here to paradise.

I do think the taste is special when produce is homegrown, picked and eaten within a couple hours. And free gifts of the land.

lemons 1

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