

harvest whats this
I harvested a few greens today. I wish I knew what they were. The enormous feathery-leaved plant at the left tastes a bit like arugula. It has a big thick white root. The dark green round leaved one I don’t know either. These two came in a mix of fall greens. I do know the bright green leaves -they are a broad-leaved escarole.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • They are mizuna and tatsoi

  • Thanks!!!

    I just read that Tatsoi can be harvested from under the snow. That's good to know because that were the last on mine are right now.

    And I have LOTS of mizuna in the fridge right now. I can now look up recipes – or just continue eating piles of it.

  • Yep, mizuna and tatsoi. Tatsoi can be used basically like baby bok choy. And mizuna, well, I only like it as an accent in salads, but it sure is hardy and easy to grow!


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