a gardener’s fortune


WOW! My fortune cookie is about my garden! “New meaning.” …. I wonder what that means. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

Of course, gardens are always taking on new meaning. They never stay the same. The seasons change, the weather changes. Plants grow and then die. My garden this year was very different from last year. And the our Community Garden is evolving, too. I’ve heard many visitors comment on this as we have now over active 120 plots.

During the winter season, I always like to take some time to review the year. Compare with past years. And make plans for next year.

This year my garden provided a lot of food and gave me an overflowing larder. If there’s a new meaning I’d like my own garden to take on next year, I’d like a more beautiful and restful space, in addition to a productive one. I’m thinking about benches, arbors, chairs. Colors and shapes. Definitely more sunflowers. I’d like my side yard garden to connect better with the front and back yard. I’d like to bring herbs and vegetables into my front yard.

And we have projects ongoing at the Community Garden too. New meaning there could be to grow a sense of community. With a bit of communication, we could do things. I look forward to our new honey CSA, a second Annual Seed Swap and Giant Vegetable Contest, our new bulletin boards, and who knows what else.

Maybe my next fortune cookie will be more specific.

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