harvest celebration plans

seed swap
I posted a new sign on my gate today. (My son says no one will ever read all that.) But maybe they’ll read the free food part.

I’m really excited that Gretta Anderson, a farmer from Shared Harvest CSA, will come a speak. Her topic will be “Late Blight: Sharing the collective experience of local organic growers this summer”. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say. (I may FliP and post it, if she doesn’t mind.)

I got a fantastic box of free seeds in the mail today. From Botanical Interests. Out-of-date seeds. Beautiful packages. They donated 65 packages of all different types. I’ll hand them out to everyone and they can swap if they want.

I heard rumors that gardeners are saving big zucchinis for the giant vegetable contest! I wonder how big a zucchini can get? I’m hoping my big pumpkin will win. I thought I had a good chance until this afternoon I spotted a really big pumpkin in a nearby plot – much bigger than mine. Oh well.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Marian(LondonUK)
    September 17, 2009 7:31 AM

    Hi,meant to say in my note to you that it is great you have got a speaker too, good for you. I am sure it will be a brilliant event.

  • I look forward to seeing/hearing how this goes! Your ideas and fun never cease.


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BVG harvest celebration: seed swap and giant vegetable contest
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Belmont Victory Garden Seed Swap and Harvest Celebration