Skippy in the garden

Skippy, Suzie & Charley

skippy in the garden 2

I forgot my regular camera lens today and was looking for a subject for my macro/portrait lens. Skippy! He got a bit annoyed with me, but he’s awfully cute….

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • He looks like the perfect subject!

  • He's so cute! I love the expressions he makes. -Jackie

  • I just discovered blight on my tomatoes (sob). How is the fungicide you are using working? It is helping? I'm wondering if I should try it on my potatoes, which so far are ok, and the few tomatoes in my hoop house. Thanks for any advice,

  • Give Skippy some doggy love for me, he is so sweet!

  • Oh the blight is a real nightmare Ali. The copper spray slows it down a bit. I haven't gotten around to getting a stronger fungicide yet.

    I found yesterday that my harvested potato tubers are getting blight in storage. There must be contamination in them and after a couple weeks in storage they get all brown inside and white outside. Yuck…

    Can't say I know the best advice.

  • Hi! I'm really enjoying your blog, love your eye's view of your garden. I'm a big gardener myself and new blogger from PA.

    I've noticed some early blight and a little Septoria leaf spot on my tomatoes, but thankfully no late blight yet. (Crossing fingers, toes and eyes.)

    I also have a gardening dog, my yellow lab. The garden is her favorite place and I must guard my harvest or she'll gobble it up. Give Skippy a belly rub for me!


  • It looks like you have sicced Skippy after the blight…if only he could scare it off. Very handsome companion!

  • Skippy is a handsome dog!


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