gnome tending tomatoes


gnome 3

I was asked the other day where my gnome has been. Well, no where special. Just hanging out under the oregano. But for a change, I moved him over to the tomatoes. So that’s his job now, hanging out under the tomato plants.

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Marian(LondonUK)
    July 12, 2009 8:27 AM

    What a cheerful little fellow. That started my Sunday off with a smile!

  • Let me know how well he works. I think I need to hire one. – Dave

  • My gnome seems does always does a good job at getting a smile. He's out there rain or shine and gets buried in the winter. And he's still cheerful.

    Her's a copy of Marian's recent comment:

    Anonymous Marian(LondonUK) said…

    The Gnome pictures made me laugh, I love that kind of humour. I don't know if you got the story over there, a lady lost her Gnome, then started receiving pictures of him taken in locations around the world, on a lovely beach, on a glacier etc. Then he mysteriously appeared back in her garden. The story reached the press and a fellow confessed to taking him on his trip around the world. What a nutty but funny thing to do!
    Marian (LondonUK)

    Marian I suppose you know that "prank" was done to draw attention to a Cause: stop oppressive gardening by Gnomes. The GGLF supports stealing Garden Gnomes to release them back into the wild.

    Aren't Gnomes cute!…. (aren't gardeners silly…)

  • Our gardening blog is all done by our resident gnome!
    f you're interested:

  • Your worker gnome sounds like a hard worker; nice of him to pause for the photo.
    I think I need a gnome to help in my garden.
    I do have a lovely statue of Mary in her Mary Garden, sheltered by her multi-flora pink rose, and Buddha sits in my veggie garden.

  • Marian(LondonUK)
    July 13, 2009 9:44 PM

    Ah ha, marvellous! Where do you find this info. You are without question a fountain of knowledge!! I had no idea that there were websites attributed to Gnome forces at large etc! Feeling kind of strange though as the Gnome gene feels close to gn(home) my Mother's grandparents were Danish and we are all rather short with a penchant for flower/veg beds and the odd wheelbarrow race! Try it, it's fun minus the bruises!!
    Marian (LondonUK)


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