I’ve started an on-line calculator for a fall planting calendar based on your first frost date. The dates are based on my experience and the calendar at Heirloom Seeds. Still a few months before I’ll need to use this. Let me know if any of the dates seem off or if I should add other vegetables.
I get such a kick out of putting in dates and pushing the button! You’d think I was a kid with a new video game (or my mother in law with a slot machine…) This is the longest code I’ve “written” and it is such fun that it actually works.
On-line calculator for spring planting calendar
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Hello! I’m a new reader here… just bought my first house and I’m interested in starting a vegetable garden 🙂 I’m enjoying your blog and trying to learn – gardening is so complicated! I’m in Los Angeles, CA (Zone 9 or 10-11, depending on which site you query), so I think I need to start up soon for my summer veggies. Cool calendar, by the way! I’m a web programmer 🙂
Gardening doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s really only complicated if you’re like me and always want to grow more.
To start, just pick a few vegetables you really like and buy seedlings in your local garden center when they are available. When they’re for sale is when its time to plant them.
The plants to grow from seeds planted directly in your garden would be green beans, peas, and carrots – if you want to grow these. (Maybe some sunflowers and nasturtiums too. Oh and radish.)
Most important is SUN and good soil. Good luck.
(I hope you’re not laughing too much at my newbie programming skills…)
Thanks for the tips!
And NO I’m not laughing 🙂 I think it’s very cool and useful 🙂
Brilliant Kathy, thank you!
What an excellent chart!
I’m comparing my seed list to your chart (great work!) and I have a couple questions.
When do you transplant the onions from seed? At the same time as onion sets?
When do you transplant the first parsley, basil, and first round of beet seedlings?
When do you start the first round of spinach? The second batch goes in 1 week before last frost.