more snow photos

Old Urban Garden

shoveled garden path snow and fence

I’m posting all these snow photos with hopes it will all melt and go away fast. It’s starting to get in the way – pretty as it is. About 2 hours of shoveling today. I even shoveled a path for Skippy to use to get out in the yard. My arm is sore, well that’s good for me. But as I look out tonight there’s another 3 inches on top of my clear paths….

3 Comments. Leave new

  • It always amazes me how plants survive under so much snow!

    I’ve got snowdrops naturalized in the lawn, which are just starting to come up – and have put little fences of sticks round them to stop me inadvertently trampling all over them.

  • Wow, that is a lot of snow! I am amazed that the Winterbor Kale is doing so well. I think you have convinced me to grow it next year. I was looking at and thinking about it but was just not quite sure. I need something to grow during the winter and houseplants won’t work- I kill those lol.

  • I was just looking over your seed list for this year and noticed that you have left over ‘giant belgium’ seed from last year. What are they like, do they actually grow up to 4lbs? I just order some this morning.

    Also, I have been doing a few seed trades. If you are interested in trading anything let me know. I have lots of tomato seed, it looks like are in the same situation though.


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