North Shore garden


tom's garden 2
big girls romas
asparagus with water drops poblano
corn potatoes and asparagus bee boxes
corn tassel raspberries 2

I visited a lovely vegetable garden this past weekend and had the pleasure to take a few photos. Its a hidden treasure. A big backyard garden in a small town north of Boston.

My guess is its at least 60 x 120 feet. Lots of space between the rows. The tomatoes are hanging heavy on the plants now. I believe the varieties are Big Girl and Roma. They look like they’ll start ripening next week. The corn is tall and must be just about ripe too. I wish I had such a nice bed of asparagus. The feathered leaves held drops of the morning rain.

Last year too I visited here and took a few pictures.

Some ideas I will take for my garden next year: the tomato supports – a classic Italian design, wider spacing between plants, heavy salt march hay mulching, collect very tall straight branches for pole beans and use one at a time just straight up (instead of a tepee), start an asparagus bed. I wish I could have a bee box, but this does not seem right for my small back yard or a community plot.

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