It seems to me there is a lull now in the the vegetable garden work. I’m not planting many seeds now and everything is fertilized. I go to the garden to weed and harvest a few minutes every day. It doesn’t even need much water now with all the afternoon thunderstorms we are getting. I can just sit back, enjoy the harvests and watch the tomato plants grow!
summer lull in garden work
Watching the Seasons
4 Comments. Leave new
I was thinking the same thing, you kind of miss the busy spring planting but on the other hand it is very nice to sit back on the patio and just soak it all in.
I Dan. Thanks for commenting. I enjoyed looking at you blog! Nice broccoli.
Maybe instead of sitting around relaxing I should be planning when to put in my fall crops. I need get my fall broccoli and peas onto my time line, and figure out the last day I can plant beans or lettuce.
I’ll get right on that, after one or two (… or three…) more cappuccinos on the patio.
Hmm I need my lull. I had a heavy digging project yesterday. BTW I’ve tagged you on my blog. Play if you like, or not if you don’t like those things.
Hi Daphne, I’m pretty slow with tags. But I am working on it. Thanks for the tag.