my plot today

Community Garden Plot

my plot 2

10 Comments. Leave new

  • The leaves of my zucchini look the same as yours. They have dry white color in spots. Is this OK?

  • Mature healthy zucchini leaves have a mottled silver gray color. I’ll take a close up photo some day. That’s just how they are supposed to look.

    This is not mildew. Mildew looks powdery and more spotty. It shows up on plants that do not look healthy. Here’s a photo of mildew.

  • i’m impressed. my zucchini is 1/10th the size of yours.

  • The amount of sunlight at this community garden is phenomenal. Its just incredible how fast the plants grow.

  • WOW! Kathy, I really can’t believe how much your plot has grown up in just the one month since I saw it. The potatoes and the squash/cukes/etc have exploded beyond anything I’d have thought possible. And the tomatoes are looking sturdy and healthy. (The seedlings you gave me are doing well, too – I’ll try to get a photo soon!)

  • it’s so nice with all these different greens!

  • so lush!

    Catherine in IL

  • HI Amelia! I took some photos of your cayenne yesterday that I’ll post soon. It has a nice little chile forming. Looks like it will be my first pepper of the year!

  • kathy, your garden looks lovely! You mentioned that you think you overplanted your potatoes. This is a problem of mine. I not only started some tomatoes and cukes from seed, but purchased some transplants, and then noticed an astounding number of tomato volunteers coming up in an area I hadn’t planted yet. I couldn’t bear to let any of them go, so kept transplanting them as they would reach 6 inches or so to new parts of my yard. It’s a tomato frenzy in back of my house.

    It is the same with my root garden, I am having trouble thinning them out. What do you expect the result to be with your potatoes? I haven’t done a root garden before.

  • I have the same problem with thinning and volunteers.

    Unless your tomato volunteers were heirloom varieties, you will may end up with plants that have alot of leaves but poor tomato production. It will be fun to see what grows.

    I planted my carrots very thin this year and I am enjoying eating the thinnings now. The carrots, beets radish, etc really should be thinned. Also no point to leaving them in the ground too long. Last year root worms found mine and I lost everything I didn’t pull early.

    I think my potatoes will be OK. I will just have too many. I had planned to have two little rows and plant basil and eggplants in the same bed too. No room for them.

    I have read that if potatoes are planted too close they make lots of little potatoes. Usually close planting is done if you want to dig them early – for the little baby potatoes.

    I will just see what I end up with after the tops die back.

    Its hard to have a crop that you can’t see at all until harvest. With other roots, like beets or carrots, you can dig down a little and check what’s there. Not potatoes!


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