collecting plastic bottles

Starting Seeds

I’m going to try winter planting this year in plastic milk bottles. (Several bloggers have posted about doing this recently:, My Skinny Garden, Old Roses.) So, since it was recycling day in my town yesterday, I drove around and collected a dozen empty one gallon milk bottles. I have ordered a few types of seeds that I hope will do well with this simple method of planting:
Purple coneflower (Echinacea)
Zebrina hollyhock

I’m wondering if any vegetables/herbs would do well:
onions (from seed)


4 Comments. Leave new

  • I’ve had luck with lettuce and onions. But I also live in zone 9 and we don’t have as many nights below 32 degrees.

  • I don’t know about the veggies and herbs, but the flowers will do fine. Great idea to collect containers on recycling day!

  • I’ve seen a couple blog posts about this lately as well, and I’m excited to try. However, I grow lots more vegetables and herbs than flowers, so like you I’d be interested to try out this method with some edibles.

    Not So Crafty–I’m glad to hear that onions did well for you. I wonder if keeping the jug close to the house at night or in the shed would help keep them from getting too super cold? hmm…

  • I think I’ll do some experimenting with vegetables. I think veggies that reseed on their own in the spring will work: especially dill. (Even tomatoes volunteer, but they need an extended season, so I’ll plant them inside.) I’ll try my cold hardy veggies: beets, carrots, parsnips, onions, kale, and lettuce. Just a few seeds…


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